Other Crops

Other Crops

Propagation Plugs
Seeding Cube
Grow Bags
Open Top Bags
Compressed Blocks

Nowadays, the soil conditions are each more unpredictable. The crops are suffering lot of threats of diseases and insects.

Using ECOCO's substracte, We can control these issues and have crops with better quality.

Hydroponic Vegetables are better due the fact they grow in a 100% natural nutrient solution.


ECOCO’s Propagation plugs are a super washed coir pellet with compressed coir fiber natural pith material.
ECOCO's Propagation Plugs are made with carefully selected fine grade coir raw material.
The key feature of this plug is that it’s a bottom sealed coir plug wrapped with biodegradable paper cellulose.
It can be used to grow in the propagation trays. It is ideal for other vegetable seed germination and ornamental plant cutting propagation.

Material Composition: Natural Coir Mix
Electrical Conductivity: 0.5 mS/cm
Ph: 5.5 - 6.5
Organic Matter (% By Weight): 95 - 98%
Dry Diameter / Dry Height: 36-40mm / 17-18mm
Wet Diameter /Wet Height: 40-42mm / 55-60mm
Normal Hatching Time: 90s
Water Holding Capacity: 65% - 75%
Air Fill Porosity (%): 20% - 30%


Seeding Cube is a 100% natural propagation media that helps to propagate faster and produce healthy other vegetable plants organically. Excellent in water holding and equal distribution of water throughout the Seeding Cube ensures optimum management of the air and water balance.

ECOCO's Seeding Cube is made from 100% coir fiber without fine dust particles and its compressed to a square disc and packed in a biodegradable cellulous sack. The airy and fragile structure is maintained throughout the propagation cycle, until transplant into a separate growing container.

Good Points:
- 100% Organic and Biodegradable medium for Seed Propagation;
- Healthy Root Development;
- Easy to transplant;

Standard Mixtures Dry Size Wet Size Volume (L) Air Fill Porosity (%)
100% Natural Coir Mix 10 x 15 x 1.75 cm 10 x 15 x 7 cm 1,05 - 1,10 2% - 4%
100% Natural Coir Mix 10 x 10 x 1.75 cm 10 x 10 x 7 cm 0,70 - 0,80 2% - 4%
100% Natural Coir Mix 7.5 x 7.5 x 1.5 cm 7.5 x 7.5 x 6 cm 0,34 - 0,40 2% - 4%


With ECOCO's coir grow bags for other vegetable crops, conventional and organic hydroponic growers, will observe their vegetables with evenly distributed roots, faster root growth and healthier stems. This will result with higher number of blooms and an increase in the crop production.

Selected raw materials are blended and compressed to make slabs for required size to grow different varieties of other vegetables. Slabs are packed in UV-stabilized co-extruded bags. Custom options are available.

Material Composition
Coir Chips and Coir Natural Mix

Standard Mixtures Water Holding Capacity Air Fill Porosity
80% Natural Coir Mix / 20% Coir Chips 5,7 - 6,7L/Kg 10% - 12%
50% Natural Coir Mix / 50% Coir Chips 4,6 - 5,6LKg 18% - 22%
Standard Options
Size (Dry) Size (Wet) Volume
100 x 15 x 2.5 cm 100 x 15 x 10 cm 15L
100 x 15 x 3.0 cm 100 x 15 x 12 cm 18L
100 x 20 x 2.0 cm 100 x 20 x 10 cm 20L
100 x 20 x 3.0 cm 100 x 20 x 12 cm 24L
100 x 18 x 7.0 cm 100 x 18 x 16 cm 28,8L


ECOCO’s Open Top Bag is produced with a special blend of coconut fiber raw materials, which provides the ideal substracte characteristics to other vegetable plants. The selected raw materials are washed, blended without fine dust particles to make ECOCO CTB. This product is specially designed to reach the optimum water holding capacity (WHC) and air-filled porosity (AFP).

Material Composition
Coir Chips and Coir Natural Mix

Standard Mixtures Water Holding Capacity Air Fill Porosity
80% Natural Coir Mix / 20% Coir Chips 5,7 - 6,7L/Kg 10% - 12%
50% Natural Coir Mix / 50% Coir Chips 4,6 - 5,6LKg 18% - 22%
Standard Options
Size (Wet) Volume (Gal) Volume (L)
15 x 15 x 16 cm 1 3,60
21 x 21 x 18 cm 2 7,95
25 x 25 x 19 cm 3 12,0
30 x 30 x 22 cm 5 20,0


ECOCO's Block is made from fresh coir fiber natural and crush chip materials blended together and compressed to a 4.5 Kg/10 Lb format.
It is a heat-treated and five times washed products with higher air fill porosity is over 28% and moderate water holding capacity.
Natural PCM coir mix can be use straight without adding any perlite or any other type of media to increase the aeration.

Weight: 4.5 Kg/10 Lb
Material Composition: Coir Chips and Coir Natural Mix
Electrical Conductivity: 1.0ms/cm
Ph: 5.5-6.5
Organic Matter (% By Weight): 95-98%
Dimensions Size: 28 x 28 x 14cm
Size (Dry): 28 x 28 x 14 cm
Volume (L): 54-60
Other Crops